Tha Original Gata

Tha Original Gata

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Maim Event for Sale

I just wanted to let you know that one of the films I did last year entitled "The Maim Event" is on sale at
Be sure and pick up your copy!!!
Here's a brief description of the film:
When Charlie, (Tony Neville) attends a pathetic "rasslin" show, he is inspired to fulfill a lifelong dream. He will start his own pro wrestling company, and provide quality entertainment for the people of McCobb, Mississippi. Unfortunately for Charlie, some "rasslers" don't take kindly to friendly competition. Now, a pitiful roster of bad athletes portraying bad characters is on a killing spree, and everyone involved in Charlie's upstart promotion is in danger. Big Boobs. Foul comedy. Nasty gore. The first chapter in the greatest story ever sold. You've seen the curtain-jerkers and mid-carders. Now, it's time for THE MAIM EVENT!

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